Creditor Harassment
Creditor Harassment
Creditor harassment refers to the process in which creditors constantly contact you to remind you of the debt that you owe. This is their job; however, many creditors have little sense of humility and respect. The last thing you need when faced with a mountain of debt is the constant reminder that you owe money. You most likely have not forgotten. If you would like to put an end to creditor harassment, then one option you have is to file for bankruptcy.
Filing for bankruptcy may seem like a drastic solution but it might be what you need to gain control of your finances and put an end to the pressure, stress and emotional hardship that creditor harassment and overwhelming debt can cause. To learn more about your options, contact our team at the Buettner Law Group, LLC today at 612-377-5311 for a free initial consultation.
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Creditor Vs. Consumer Rights
A creditor’s job is to get the money that is owed to their company. However, there are certain lines that should not be crossed by creditors and certain rules in place to protect the privacy and rights of the consumer. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act has been put into place to protect the rights of consumers and to ensure the fair treatment by debt collectors. Debt collectors can be quite ruthless but there are certain things that are unacceptable and against the law. This includes:

- False threats, legal notices and claims
- Calls to your home before 8am or after 9pm any day of the week including weekends
- Calls to your place of work
- Calls to family members, friends or neighbors in an attempt to get a hold of you
- Calls to your boss or supervisor
- Phone calls that include abuse, harassment or threats
If you are faced with harassment then seeking legal advice through a Minnesota bankruptcy and consumer rights lawyer can help ensure that this harassment stops and that you are treated fairly and with respect. You may not even need to file bankruptcy if a debt collector has violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Stopping Credit Harassment – Is Bankruptcy the Answer?
Filing for bankruptcy can be a scary thing to consider but it could be the solution that you are looking for. Taking legal action against creditors may be a short term solution but it doesn’t help you with getting rid of your debt any faster. By filing for bankruptcy you are able to discharge many of your unsecured debts, either by selling certain assets through liquidation bankruptcy, or by agreeing to a payment plan through reorganization bankruptcy.
One of the positives about filing for bankruptcy is that the creditor harassment will be stopped immediately. After you have put in the documentation, the creditors will receive notice and all phone calls, etc. will cease. Furthermore, you will have a chance to start over and finally feel like you are in control of your finances. To learn more about creditor harassment contact our team at the Buettner Law Group, LLC today at 612-377-5311 for a free initial consultation.