When you’ve found yourself in a financial crunch that has you late with bills, you’ll find at some point debt collectors will start to contact you. And when they do, you may find yourself frustrated and scared all at the same time.
You’ll be happy to know that there are regulations to prevent debt collector harassment when it comes to how and when they can contact you, including the times of day they call, whether they can call you at work, and how you can prevent phone calls from happening.
Can a Debt Collector Call You At Work?
A debt collector can call you at work unless you specifically advise them to stop calling you at your place of employment. A debt collector cannot call your co-workers or employer himself about the debt, but they can ask your employer for your address or employment verification.
What Time Can a Debt Collector Contact You?
A debt collector cannot call you after 9 p.m. your time, and they may not call you before 8 a.m. your time. The only exception to this rule would be if you agreed to a debt collector contacting you outside of this time frame.
How Many Times Can a Debt Collector Call in One Day?
The law does not prevent a debt collector to only call you a certain amount of times per day, but they can’t call you so frequently that it constitutes harassment.
How Can You Stop Contact Altogether?
You have the right to advise a debt collector to stop contacting you that request is put in writing. The debt collector is then only allowed to contact you to acknowledge that there will be no further contact, or that there is a legal matter pending because of the debt, such as a lawsuit.
For more information on debt collector harassment, contact us to set up a consultation.