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2828 University Ave. SE, Suite 202, Minneapolis, MN 55414

Can I File Bankruptcy Without An Attorney?

SHOULD I USE AN ATTORNEY, PARALEGAL, OR REPRESENT MYSELF? Here are the reasons why you should only use a bankruptcy attorney and what can happen if you don’t… Although Corporations and Partnerships must have an attorney represent them, there is no legal requirement that an individual hire an attorney to represent them in a bankruptcy… Read more »

Three Different Types of Debt

THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEBT AND HOW THEY’RE TREATED IN BANKRUPTCY Different types of debts are not treated equally in bankruptcy. Certain debts can be fully discharged when you file bankruptcy while others just can’t be discharged and must be repaid in full. We’ll review here the different types of debt and what to expect… Read more »

Does it Make Sense to File Bankruptcy Before the Holidays?

Reasons To File: You’re struggling with your bills and you’re thinking about hiring an attorney to help you file bankruptcy. Although doing so isn’t a decision that you should take lightly,we believe it may be the ticket to a fresh financial start. With the holidays around the corner, being proactive about managing your finances may… Read more »

What is the Automatic Stay?

Automatic Stay The primary reason for the automatic stay is to bring immediate protection to the person filing bankruptcy (the Debtor).  The automatic stay provides the debtor the chance to catch his or her breath, legally speaking.  There might be many different reasons a person filed bankruptcy.  Perhaps wages were being garnished, a vehicle repossessed,… Read more »

Minnesota Bankruptcy Costs and How to Pay for it

You have been thinking about Bankruptcy.  You are a ball of stress, you can’t sleep at night.  You can’t pay your bills and you feel like you can’t afford a Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer. Here’s what bankruptcy costs — and how to pay for it. How much does it cost to file for bankruptcy? You’ll face… Read more »

Reinstate Your Suspended Driver’s License

Suspended Driver’s License Bankruptcy gives you immediate and long-term relief from your debts. But it can do other very important things you may not know about. Today we get into how bankruptcy can reinstate a suspended driver’s license. Reasons for Driver’s License Suspension Whether your filing of a bankruptcy case can reinstate your suspended driver’s… Read more »

Do All Credit Cards Get Closed When Filing Bankruptcy?

Will I lose all my credit cards when I file bankruptcy? All credit cards that have a balance must be listed in the bankruptcy.  It is up to the individual lenders as to whether they will close your account.  They may ask you to reaffirm the debt in order to keep a card open. This… Read more »

Can You Discharge Tax Debt in Bankruptcy?

Many Bankruptcy clients struggle with tax debt.  Here are some things to think about: Get Your Tax Transcripts To diagnose and fix your tax debt problems, you’ll need to get account transcripts. Make a request to the IRS for each year you owe a balance. They show when your tax was due and when the… Read more »

New Bankruptcy “Means Test” Income Figures Effective May 1, 2018

The U.S. Trustee’s Office has announced new median income figures to go into effect on May 1, 2018. These income figures will become part of the bankruptcy means test for chapter 7. The new figures for Minnesota are: $54,613 for a one person household $74,283 for a two person household $87,811 for a three person… Read more »

Who Can Have Your Wages Garnished in Minnesota?

Garnishment Owing debt isn’t fun, but it’s something that happens to almost everyone. It’s all too easy for a single setback or a bad year to turn into a big pile of debt. The vast majority of people in debt today have every intention of fulfilling their debt responsibilities. They just aren’t in a good… Read more »